Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | gazette | person | poster | sky | trade name | water OCR: Jord an Syria Odyssey EXPLORE ONE THE DEST CIVILIZATIONS IN THE ITHO 1 journey to Jordan and Syria, with their scenic beau ty and important archaeologi cal sites inspir ing glimpse into 000- -year old history In Syria, we hike in a pretty valley where amaic (the language Jesus spoke dialect dating from the 1st millenni um BC) is still spoken also visit two man -ma de wonders, the massi ive 12th- century Crac des Chevaliers, fortr ess set + gap mountain range and 5t111 looking much as did when was built by the Crusa iders and ancient Palmyra one of the world's great historical sites 2nd -century oasis city on the ca ra van route bet. ween the Medi OLDEST iourne Lordan Svria inspiri limpse Aramaic massive entury ortr mountair ders